How to be a sucessful Project Manager? A Career Guide from Specialists

Who exactly are Project managers? What are their main tasks in a company? Well, whether formal or unofficial definition, in short terms, it is a person who’s in charge of planning, executing, and overseeing a project from its initiation to completion and stays within a fixed budget and schedules. The success of a project isn’t […]
“I thought YOU were building the door!”

Effective goals, particularly for managers, extend beyond future-oriented perspectives. They empower employees to reflect on the past, identifying areas for improvement and learning from their experiences. But there is no secret that managers have a challenging time making goals because they also have in mind what would happen if they don’t achieve them. Frankly, establishing […]
The Game-Changing Features of Jarvis Microsoft

Jarvis (Joint AI Research for Video Instances and Streams), not exactly the one from Ironman, but with similar tasks is well known as the conversational AI framework developed by Microsoft. Its target is the improvement of customer engagement and provision of personalised services to their users. Particularly, AI Jarvis, also called, uses natural language processing […]
Unlocking the Power of AI in Cloud Computing

Hi Honza, first of all congratulations on your “The benefits of AI in Cloud Computing” seminar in the Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce! Would you like to tell us a bit about your presentation? Did you have previous experience giving seminars? Well, I have some experience giving seminars for my team in the process while doing […]
Inverse Conway Maneuver!

“Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure” – Melvin E. Conway (1967) Let’s give a quick review of what Conway considers under this statement. In brief, Conway’s theory entails that the working methods and how innovative business results are, is […]
Granton roots getting bigger in Amsterdam

1. First of all, could you please tell me the purpose of the travel meeting in Amsterdam? I am responsible for the international expansion of Granton. And according to our expansion plan, the Netherlands is the first location that we are expanding at the moment and our sole purpose of traveling to Amsterdam was business […]
You’re missing the latest news! This is the automation that Banks are looking for on their processes

Banks for quite a long time were pursuers of automation. Nevertheless, now some of them turn into a system enabling innovation, creating a challenge looking to become truly data-driven. 1. Modernizing legacy: The urgency to recognize core systems which strikes to the bank’s digital potential. This relies on the importance of keeping the market’s rhythm, […]
Redesigning a fluid insurance organization focused on customer missions

Your client is everything! Are you delivering the right output to them? In the insurance field too, everything can happen and as long as the consumer demand doesn’t get constant, it is preferable to architect a path to reach them better. This blog inspired by Mckinsey & Company aims to equip you with a timeline […]
The one step companies are forgetting while applying Agile Transformation

Most organizations, despite their reliance on some agile transformation principles, which also involves traditional insurers’ functional and hierarchical operating models, still fail in deploying agility at scale. Why is this happening? well, mainly, due culture. As it is well known, agility reaches solutions being faster, learner and way effective. Currently, organizations might look to maximize […]
Souboj mezi hard a soft skills! Kdo vyhraje?

Nedávno jsem na LinkedInu narazil na zajímavou anketu od Garyho Vaynerchuka. Jestli ho ještě neznáte, zkuste si najít jeho životní příběh. Je to velmi zajímavé čtení. Pojďme se ale vrátit k jeho zmíněné anketě, ve které zjišťoval, zda si lidé více cení tzv. „hard skills“ nebo „soft skills“. Věřím, že většina z nás intuitivně ihned vyhrkne soft […]